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Distillery, Brewery & Winery

The proof is in the quality of ingredient water

Brewery, winery and distillery production present unique challenges in water and wastewater treatment. Water must meet strict specifications for product quality, taste and consistency. Wastewater contains various chemical and organic compounds, plus particulate matter such as yeast and spent grains, which can be difficult to treat and dispose of properly. Evoqua can provide reliable, cost-efficient water and wastewater solutions to help address these challenges.

These challenges include what to do with spent grains and stillage. Find useful case studies in our eBook you can download: Sustainable Water for Food and Beverage Producers.

The Gravity of Distillery Wastewater - Weighing Options for Stillage

As a distiller your options for spent grains might be worth revenue to farmers as animal feed. We discuss the feed market as well as wastewater treatment options including biogas and green energy.

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